Monday, 16 December 2019

International conference 2019

 On the occasion of 150th birth anniversary of Ghandiji, Department of Social sciences along with English and languages in collaboration with IMRF  organized International conference on “Impact of Gandhian ideals on Socio –Economic ,Cultural and Literary Aspects on 29th and 30th November Successfully.  On the first day we  had  Shri K.Hari  Prasad AP state Director ,RUSA as a  chief guest for   inaugural  session . we also had Dr. G.Kuppuram ,Adjunct professor ,Turkana university ,Kenya  as a Key note Speaker  Rev.Sr.Lourdu Mary ,correspondent as a Chief patron , Dr.Sr.Marietta D’Mello   as a patron ,Prof. Dr.Ratnakar D Bala, CEO and Director of IMRF as a conference chairman,Dr.P.Ratna mary Head of the department of Social sciences  as a co-convenor  along with her on stage . Principal Dr Sister Marietta D'Mello said this was not the end of seminar, but it is the beginning of an era of practice of Gandhian values which will use-in a better human society. All the speakers said that  the  Gandhiji gave importance to women empowerment and walking in his footsteps would make our social environment a peaceful and productive one .
       On 30th November during valedictory session The chief guest  Prof K Sree Ramesh, Principal of Arts and Commerce College, Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajamahedravaram G.M.Vijaya ratna kumari Associate professor in history, Mrs.R.Chittemma Associate professor in political science, Ms.Y.Sailaja Associate professor in political science, Mrs.S.Surekha Associate professor in social work,Ms.G.Radha lakshmi Associate professor in psychology, Mrs.P.Anusha lecturer in History, Ms.M.Navya lecturer in Economics were the members of the organizing committee.

Paper Publications
·         Dr.Sr.Marietta D’Mello ,principal cum Associate professor in Psychology published a paper on the topic on “ Mahatma Gandhiji principles ,Values system and ideals – A beacon of light “ in an “International conference on Impact of Gandhian Ideals on Socio –Economic cultural and literary aspects . on 29th and 30th November 2019 . at Ch.S.D.St.Theresa’s college for women (A), Eluru  .
·         Dr.P.Ratna Mary ,Associate professor in Economics and Head dept of  Social Sciences published a paper on the topic” Gandhi’s  concept of Rural Industrialization and it’s relevance to today  “  in an  international conference on Impact of Gandhian ideals on Socio –Economic ,Cultural and literary aspects “  on 29th and 30th November ,2019 at Ch.S.D.St.Theresa’s collegefor women (A) Eluru .
·         MS. G. Vijaya Ratna Kumari Assistant professor in History published a paper on the topic “Gandhi –An apostle of Peace” in an International conference on Impact of Gandhian ideals on Socio –Economic cultural and literary aspects  “ on 29th and 30th November 2019 . at Ch.S.d.St. Theresa’s college for women (A),Eluru
·         MS.Y.Sailaja Assistant Professor in Political Science Published a  paper On the topic “Mahatma Gandhi’s ideology : Social ,political and Economic Empowerment of women in India “in an  international conference on Impact of Gandhian ideals on Socio –Economic ,Cultural and literary aspects “  on 29th and 30th November ,2019 at Ch.S.D.St.Theresa’s college for women (A) Eluru .

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