Monday, 16 December 2019

Constitutional day Competitions

Constitutional day Competitions
 On the eve of 70th constitutional day department of Social Sciences celebrated constitution day from 21to 26th November 2019 . The celebration starts with through rally inaugurated  by Dr.Sr.Showrilu  , vice principal . On this day she   addressed   the students to follow the constitution rights and duties and    created awareness on importance of constitution among   400 students Mrs R.Chittemma and Ms Y.Sailaja lecturers in political science  and NSS team also  participated in this event  .The department conducted various  competitions like Essay  writing , Elocution , Poster making …
 The list of the prize winners
Elocution Competition
I prize    N.Sunitha    II.B.A HEP EM
II Prize   S.Poojitha    I.B.A EPSW
III Prize   b.Suvartha rani     III.B.Z C
Essay Writing competition
  I.prize   S .Poojitha   I.B.A   EPSW
II.Prize  T.Keertha   II.B.A EPSw
III.Prize   G.Geetha  II.B.A HEP  EM
 Consolation prize B.L Rupa Kalyani   III BZC
Poster making
  I  Prize     S. yasaswini    I.B.A HEP
II. prize S.K. Anjali I.B.A

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