Monday, 16 December 2019

International conference 2019

 On the occasion of 150th birth anniversary of Ghandiji, Department of Social sciences along with English and languages in collaboration with IMRF  organized International conference on “Impact of Gandhian ideals on Socio –Economic ,Cultural and Literary Aspects on 29th and 30th November Successfully.  On the first day we  had  Shri K.Hari  Prasad AP state Director ,RUSA as a  chief guest for   inaugural  session . we also had Dr. G.Kuppuram ,Adjunct professor ,Turkana university ,Kenya  as a Key note Speaker  Rev.Sr.Lourdu Mary ,correspondent as a Chief patron , Dr.Sr.Marietta D’Mello   as a patron ,Prof. Dr.Ratnakar D Bala, CEO and Director of IMRF as a conference chairman,Dr.P.Ratna mary Head of the department of Social sciences  as a co-convenor  along with her on stage . Principal Dr Sister Marietta D'Mello said this was not the end of seminar, but it is the beginning of an era of practice of Gandhian values which will use-in a better human society. All the speakers said that  the  Gandhiji gave importance to women empowerment and walking in his footsteps would make our social environment a peaceful and productive one .
       On 30th November during valedictory session The chief guest  Prof K Sree Ramesh, Principal of Arts and Commerce College, Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajamahedravaram G.M.Vijaya ratna kumari Associate professor in history, Mrs.R.Chittemma Associate professor in political science, Ms.Y.Sailaja Associate professor in political science, Mrs.S.Surekha Associate professor in social work,Ms.G.Radha lakshmi Associate professor in psychology, Mrs.P.Anusha lecturer in History, Ms.M.Navya lecturer in Economics were the members of the organizing committee.

Paper Publications
·         Dr.Sr.Marietta D’Mello ,principal cum Associate professor in Psychology published a paper on the topic on “ Mahatma Gandhiji principles ,Values system and ideals – A beacon of light “ in an “International conference on Impact of Gandhian Ideals on Socio –Economic cultural and literary aspects . on 29th and 30th November 2019 . at Ch.S.D.St.Theresa’s college for women (A), Eluru  .
·         Dr.P.Ratna Mary ,Associate professor in Economics and Head dept of  Social Sciences published a paper on the topic” Gandhi’s  concept of Rural Industrialization and it’s relevance to today  “  in an  international conference on Impact of Gandhian ideals on Socio –Economic ,Cultural and literary aspects “  on 29th and 30th November ,2019 at Ch.S.D.St.Theresa’s collegefor women (A) Eluru .
·         MS. G. Vijaya Ratna Kumari Assistant professor in History published a paper on the topic “Gandhi –An apostle of Peace” in an International conference on Impact of Gandhian ideals on Socio –Economic cultural and literary aspects  “ on 29th and 30th November 2019 . at Ch.S.d.St. Theresa’s college for women (A),Eluru
·         MS.Y.Sailaja Assistant Professor in Political Science Published a  paper On the topic “Mahatma Gandhi’s ideology : Social ,political and Economic Empowerment of women in India “in an  international conference on Impact of Gandhian ideals on Socio –Economic ,Cultural and literary aspects “  on 29th and 30th November ,2019 at Ch.S.D.St.Theresa’s college for women (A) Eluru .

Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Vidya Puraskar 2019

Prathibha Awards 2019
Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Vidya Puraskar 2019
Department of Social Sciences gladly  proclaims that two B.A students secured the prestigious state level prathibha award of the year 2019 . K.Nireesha topper in B.A class and Sr. Celestina topper in B.A class for excellence  ( ST. reserve )for excellence in Adikavi Nannaya University  . were chosen to received the award from District collector ,West Godavari District from government of Andhra Pradesh .

Participated and presented paper on workshop

     Mrs . Dr. P.Ratna Mary Associate professor in Economics Head ,dept of Social Sciences participated and presented a paper on course outcomes in Economics in One day National level workshop on outcome based education (OBE) possibilities and challenges on 22nd November 2019 at ANR college Gudivada .

MS. Y. Sailaja Assistant professor in political science in  participated and presented a paper on course outcomes in Political Science  in One day National level workshop on outcome based education (OBE) possibilities and challenges on 22nd November 2019 at ANR college Gudivada .

Community Extension activities

Dr.P.Ratna Mary Associate professor in Economic and Head ,dept of Social Science gave a talk on” Carrer Guidance on 27th November 2019 to B.A students at ANR college Gudivada .

Mrs. R.Chittemma Assistant professor in Political Science gave a talk on “Indian Constitution “ on 27th November 2019 to B.A students at ANR college Gudivada  .

Constitutional day celebrations

The Department of Social Sciences of Ch.S.D.St.Theresa’s college for women headed by Dr.P.Ratna Mary celebrated 70th Constitutional Day on 26th November 2019. On this day, the Department  also  organized World Anti Dowry Day and National Law Day.In this programme, Ms.K.Sailaja, Secretary of Lok Adalath and District Senior Civil Judge invited as a Chief Guest. She proclaimed about importance of our Constitution and its features and told everyone should be respectable and responsible towards our Constitution and also stressed the Anti-dowry measures. Then Dr.Sr.Marietta D’Mello ,Principal of the college administer the Preamble of our constitution along with the staff and students. From 20th to 26th November the Department conducted various competitions like essay writing, elocution, poster painting , rally, watching live programmes of Government and also distributed prizes to the prize winners.


Constitutional day Competitions

Constitutional day Competitions
 On the eve of 70th constitutional day department of Social Sciences celebrated constitution day from 21to 26th November 2019 . The celebration starts with through rally inaugurated  by Dr.Sr.Showrilu  , vice principal . On this day she   addressed   the students to follow the constitution rights and duties and    created awareness on importance of constitution among   400 students Mrs R.Chittemma and Ms Y.Sailaja lecturers in political science  and NSS team also  participated in this event  .The department conducted various  competitions like Essay  writing , Elocution , Poster making …
 The list of the prize winners
Elocution Competition
I prize    N.Sunitha    II.B.A HEP EM
II Prize   S.Poojitha    I.B.A EPSW
III Prize   b.Suvartha rani     III.B.Z C
Essay Writing competition
  I.prize   S .Poojitha   I.B.A   EPSW
II.Prize  T.Keertha   II.B.A EPSw
III.Prize   G.Geetha  II.B.A HEP  EM
 Consolation prize B.L Rupa Kalyani   III BZC
Poster making
  I  Prize     S. yasaswini    I.B.A HEP
II. prize S.K. Anjali I.B.A

Sunday, 1 December 2019

Board of studies meeting

Dr.P.Ratna mary,Associate professor in Economics and Head of the department of social sciences attended Board of studies meeting in ANR degree college, Gudivada on 27thth November 2019

Board of studies meeting

 Dr.P.Ratna mary,Associate professor in Economics and Head of the department of social sciences attended Board of studies meeting in Sir C.R.Reddy college (A) Eluru 

Board of studies meeting


 R,CHITTEMMA  Lecturer in Politics  attended Board of studies meeting in ANR degree college, Gudivada on 27th November 2019.

Youth parliament

On 16TH  November 2019 youth parliament was conducted by youth service department set well in zilla parishad Eluru.  MrsR.Chittemma and  Miss Y.sailaja lecturers in political science along with the student representatives and NCC cadets attended and actively participated in youth parliament. Students received participation certificates and mementos for active participation by youth parliament.


Dr.Sr.Marietta D’mello Associate professor in psychology, Principal of Ch,s.d st.Theresa’s ( autonomous) college for women published her thesis “Educational leadership and the community: strategies for improvement through community engagement”. Tt was launched at the university of  Asian institute of technology conference center, Bangkok, Thailand on November 2019.


Dr.Sr.Marietta D’mello, principal,’s  autonomous college for women has visited, interacted with the students and faculty of Raj park institute on 17th November 2019 and discussed ‘ADVANCES IN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES” ,organized by IMRF institute of higher education and research Thailand chapter

Rapporteur in the international conference

On November 15th and 16th 2019 Dr.Sr.Marietta D’mello principal ch.s.d.Theresa’s autonomous college for women has chaired served as rapporture  in the international conference on language,literarture, &feminism studies Thailand at Asian institute of technology conference center, Bangkok, Thailand- 2019. Dr.Sr.Marietta  D’mello received certificate of appreciation from conference coordinator Dr.chai ching tan and conference chairman Dr.ratnakar D bala.


On November 15th 2019 Dr.Sr.Marietta D’mello, principal Theresa’s college for women has participated and presented in the international conference on Language,Literarture,Translation.Education &Feminism studies Thailand-2019 with paper titled “ A study-  Community services and their impact on leadership qualities among college students of west godavari district of Andhra Pradesh at Asian institute of technology conference center, Bangkok, Thailand.

IMRF Excellence Award

On November 15th 2019 Dr.Sr.Marietta  D’mello associate professor in psychology, principal of Ch,s.d st.Theresa’s college for women received IMRF excellence award in recognition of the consistent superior performance in psychology and upon  the recommendations of the committee of IMRF academic awards. The international multidisciplinary research foundation acknowledges the invaluable contribution of Dr.Sr.Marietta D’mello and is pleased to present this prestigious academic award  on the eve of IMRF’S 130th  International conference Thailand 2019 at Asian  Institute of technology conference center,Bangkok,Thailand.


Dr.Sr.Marietta D’mello, Principal,Faculty,CH.S.D.ST.Theresa’s ( autonomous) college for women has successfully completed overseas 7 day –faculty development program  on innovative teaching learning methodologies held during 14-11-2019 to 20-11-2019 organized by IMRF institute of higher education &research  Thailand chapter in association with IIM Australia at bangkaok,Thailand.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

7days faculty development programme

 Dr. Sr. Marietta D'Mello, Principal and Associate professor in psychology and Dr. P. Ratna Mary Associate professor in Economics attended a 7days faculty development programme on '  Resent Trends in Teaching and Learning methodologies using ICT in Higher Education  Institutions  on 24th to 30th October, 2019 at sir. C. R. Reddy college, Eluru

Chief guest of 7days faculty development programme

Dr. Sr. Marietta D'Mello, Principal and Associate professor in psychology invited to the chief guest of 7days faculty development programme on '  Resent Trends in Teaching and Learning methodologies using ICT in Higher Education  Institutions  on 24th to 30th October, 2019 at sir. C. R. Reddy college, Eluru


“Services is Recognized ,Admired and Honored “ –State level Indian Red cross Society Award Function :
  State level  Indian Red cross society organized award presentation ceremony for best performers at S.S. convention center,Vijayawada . st. theresa’s college is pioneer in the field of education and also in the filed of service . Dr.Sr.Marietta D’ Mello principal,  received Gold medal  and shield from the hand of Shri .Bhswabhusan Harichandan
Honorable  Governor of Andhra Pradesh  state  for the services rendered  by the Mould and hap the young once. We need to love ,respect and field noble to enlighten the minds of our students who log to extract knowledge from us . Besides impacting knowledge ,our institution for Indian red cross society .  the co-ordinater of Indian Red cross Society   Mrs. R.Chittemma  Nodal officers Mrs .Y.Aruna Jhansi  and Mrs. N.Bhavani  also received silver  medals . students volunteers    of st. Theresa,s college MS.G.Jayasri , Ms.D.Madhuri ,Ms.K Shruti to received silver medals  .

Friday, 11 October 2019

Participated in National and Inter national seminars

Dr. P. Ratna Mary, Associate professor in Economics and Head of the department of social sciences  presented a paper on "The Role of cooperatives in Agriculture: Performance and Challenges" in International forum on recent trends in Physics, Chemistry and applied sciences for sustainable development  which was held on 27th and 28th September   2019 at Ch. S.D.St Theresa 's Autonomous college for Women, Eluru.

Dr.P.Ratna Mary , Associate professor in Economics and Head of the department  of social sciences  presented a paper on “Constitution human  rights and status of scheduled tribes  in  Andhra Pradesh “National seminar on Intellectual property rights :Technological development  which was held on on 27th and 28th  September 2019 at C.R.R.Autonomous  colleage  ,Eluru.

Leadership Training camp 2019

The department of social sciences organized   a  Two day  Leadership Training camp on 25th and 26th September 2019  in our college  which was sponsored by M.R.Pai foundation and  forum of free  enterprise , Mumbai.  We are very happy to have  such a wonderful program in our college . The program started with prayer service by III B.A students  .Rev Dr.Sr.Marietta D”Mello principal address  the gathering and wished the participants . Dr. P.Ratna Mary HOD of social sciences welcomed the gathering and resource persons  Mr .Vivek Patki and Mr.Rajiv luv. The resource   persons gave a talks on  Setting and Achieving Goals ,sharpening vital skills ,time management .  Students from various colleges namely S.KS.D Mahilakalasala Tanuku ,Sir for women ,Eluru ,St. Vincent De Paul Degree   college Eluru ,ANR College Gudivada ,SirC.R.R  Autonomus college, Eluru  and Government degree college Eluru participated in the camp .The totally 70 students were partcipated . Rev. Dr.Sr.Mariett  Demello distributed the participation certificates .

One day Work Shop on The Role of Social Sciences

The Department of Social sciences conducted a value oriented programme of one day work shop on the topic “ The Role of Social Sciences to promote ethics in society” under RUSA2.0 (8 components) on 30th August 2019.  Prof.C.S.N.Raju, Retd.Professor in Economics, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur and Mrs. Uma Devi, Retd. Lecturer in History, Ch.S.D.St.Theresa’s College for women, Eluru invited as a resource persons. 250 members were participated in this work shop

National Spirit Week Celebrations

The Department of Social Sciences organized the National Spirit Week Celebrations from 24th to 31st August 2019. Dr.Sr.Marietta D’Mello, Principal inaugurated the National Spirit Week  celebrations. As a part of this, the  Department conducted various compititions on patriotism like role plays on national leaders, siging, extempore, essay writing and poster painting. The students were actively participated in various competition to express their integrity towards nation. Prizes were distributed in the valedictory session 



Anti -ragging