Wednesday, 29 January 2020

National Voters Day 2020

 National Voters Day  2020
  The Department of social sciences Headed by Dr.P. Ratna  Mary and other staff members organized 10th National voters day  awareness programme on 25th   January  2020 .Dr.T.Rajesh   Associate professor in Management studies  in Sir .C.R.Reddy College  (A) ,Eluru   gave a talk  on National Voters day. He gave  awareness  on Voter Enrollment  and stressed  the responsibilities of youth towards voting system . Dr.Sr. Marietta D'Mello principal  also advised to the students  to enroll their names in  the voters list and secured the power to make a better government  and also conducted Essay writing , elocution  competitions   ato distributed the prizes .Finally  administered  oath on voter’s day by the student community.


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