Wednesday, 29 January 2020

National Voters Day 2020

 National Voters Day  2020
  The Department of social sciences Headed by Dr.P. Ratna  Mary and other staff members organized 10th National voters day  awareness programme on 25th   January  2020 .Dr.T.Rajesh   Associate professor in Management studies  in Sir .C.R.Reddy College  (A) ,Eluru   gave a talk  on National Voters day. He gave  awareness  on Voter Enrollment  and stressed  the responsibilities of youth towards voting system . Dr.Sr. Marietta D'Mello principal  also advised to the students  to enroll their names in  the voters list and secured the power to make a better government  and also conducted Essay writing , elocution  competitions   ato distributed the prizes .Finally  administered  oath on voter’s day by the student community.



We, Department of Social sciences organized Ethnic week  celebrations from 23rd  to 28th  January 2020. We celebrate ethnic week every year. Inaugural session conducted on 23rd January . Sr.Ubalda  from Rome addressed the gathering and Dr.Sr. Marietta D’Mello Principal wished student community .As a part of this programme  MathruPithru pujosthvam  was conducted.Our  department students honoured their parents with much love and respect.On 24th January 2020 organized Guest lecture by Mrs. K. Aruna Assistant Professor in Telugu on Traditions and customs 
On 25th January 2020  organised guest lecture by Dr. K Jyoyhi Kumari  associate professor in Nutrition and dietetics on   Health care in  adolescent age. And also conducted various competitions like EX-tempore ,Sampradaya ruchulu , Mehindi and Fancy dress.All the students actively participated in various events.

Enterpreneurship Development Programme (EDP]

Enterpreneurship Development Programme (EDP]
The Department of Social Sciences motivated the students to conduct Enterpreneurship Development Programme(EDP) On 9th January 2020, the students of social sciences kept various food items and sold it at college level. Through this programme, the students learn how to develop themselves as entrepreneurs in future .

International conference participation

International conference participation and presented a paper
Dr. Sr. Matietta D’Mello Principal and  Associate professor in Psychology participated in the International conference on Women empowerment ,Education ,Language & Islamic studies Malaysia -2020 and virtually   presented the paper title  Inculcation of Service oriented leadership to the future citizens in educational institutions  at university of Malaya,Taman Botain Rimba llmu institute sains Biologi Fakulti Sains . Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia ,January  9th and 10th ,January ,2020

International conference participation :
Mrs R.Chittemma and Y.Sailaja participated international conference on Digital Economy ,Human Resource management ,Legal studies &Social Sciences Malaysia -2020 at University of Malaysia ,Kuala Lumpur ,Malaysia  .
Participated Faculty Development program :
Mrs . R. Chittemma and Y.Sailaja Participated overseas 4 day – Faculty Development program on Learning Effective Instructional Strategies held during on 8th January to 11th January  organized by IMRF Institute of Higher Education  & Research Malaysia Chapter in association with DRPF , ministry of Education , Macedonia at Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia  .

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Christmas celebration at Premanvitha MR School

                    The students of B.A celebrated Christmas and shared their joy and happinerss with the Mentally retarded children in Premanvitha MR School, Kotadibba, Eluru.

Virtual Class Room Teaching

                    Dr.P.Ratna Mary, HOD of Social Sciences and Associate Professor in Economics gave a virtual class  on Public Finance to  the West Godavari District colleges in our virtual class room on 17th December 2019 at 12:00 to 01:00 PM.

Community Service at Mega Health Expo-2019

                      We the St.Theresa college NSS Programme Officers, Red Cross and Red Ribbon Club Nodal Officers and 8 student volunteers participated and  contributed their services through various helpline activities in Free Mega Health Camp at IADP Hall, Eluru on 4th &5th December 2019 which was conducted by Star Health and Alied Insurance Company Limited  . At the end of the camp Area Manager gave the appreciation certificates to the NSS Programme Officers, Red Cross and Red Ribbon Club Nodal Officers and student volunteers.

Awareness Programme on Women Empowerment

                    On 2nd December SFI West Godavari committee conducted awareness programme on Role and importance of  Education in women empowerment under the supervision of Dr.P.Ratna Mary HOD and other members of the Department of Social Sciences. Dr.Sr.Marietta D’Mello, Principal, Ms.Deepsithadar, All India SFI Girls Convenor, Mr.Sivaraj, State SFI Vice-president, Mr.Prasad, State SFI Joint-Secretary, Mr.Nageswara Rao, Ex State Manavatha President, K.Anil, District SFI Vice-president were participated and gave a talk on different aspects related to women.


Anti -ragging