Friday, 11 October 2019

Participated in National and Inter national seminars

Dr. P. Ratna Mary, Associate professor in Economics and Head of the department of social sciences  presented a paper on "The Role of cooperatives in Agriculture: Performance and Challenges" in International forum on recent trends in Physics, Chemistry and applied sciences for sustainable development  which was held on 27th and 28th September   2019 at Ch. S.D.St Theresa 's Autonomous college for Women, Eluru.

Dr.P.Ratna Mary , Associate professor in Economics and Head of the department  of social sciences  presented a paper on “Constitution human  rights and status of scheduled tribes  in  Andhra Pradesh “National seminar on Intellectual property rights :Technological development  which was held on on 27th and 28th  September 2019 at C.R.R.Autonomous  colleage  ,Eluru.

Leadership Training camp 2019

The department of social sciences organized   a  Two day  Leadership Training camp on 25th and 26th September 2019  in our college  which was sponsored by M.R.Pai foundation and  forum of free  enterprise , Mumbai.  We are very happy to have  such a wonderful program in our college . The program started with prayer service by III B.A students  .Rev Dr.Sr.Marietta D”Mello principal address  the gathering and wished the participants . Dr. P.Ratna Mary HOD of social sciences welcomed the gathering and resource persons  Mr .Vivek Patki and Mr.Rajiv luv. The resource   persons gave a talks on  Setting and Achieving Goals ,sharpening vital skills ,time management .  Students from various colleges namely S.KS.D Mahilakalasala Tanuku ,Sir for women ,Eluru ,St. Vincent De Paul Degree   college Eluru ,ANR College Gudivada ,SirC.R.R  Autonomus college, Eluru  and Government degree college Eluru participated in the camp .The totally 70 students were partcipated . Rev. Dr.Sr.Mariett  Demello distributed the participation certificates .

One day Work Shop on The Role of Social Sciences

The Department of Social sciences conducted a value oriented programme of one day work shop on the topic “ The Role of Social Sciences to promote ethics in society” under RUSA2.0 (8 components) on 30th August 2019.  Prof.C.S.N.Raju, Retd.Professor in Economics, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur and Mrs. Uma Devi, Retd. Lecturer in History, Ch.S.D.St.Theresa’s College for women, Eluru invited as a resource persons. 250 members were participated in this work shop

National Spirit Week Celebrations

The Department of Social Sciences organized the National Spirit Week Celebrations from 24th to 31st August 2019. Dr.Sr.Marietta D’Mello, Principal inaugurated the National Spirit Week  celebrations. As a part of this, the  Department conducted various compititions on patriotism like role plays on national leaders, siging, extempore, essay writing and poster painting. The students were actively participated in various competition to express their integrity towards nation. Prizes were distributed in the valedictory session 


Training programme on Social Enterprenuership

                  Mrs.S.Surekha, lecturer in social Work participated in the training program on “Training of Trainers (TOT) on Social Enterpreneurship” which was held from 22nd  to 24th August 2019 at Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajamahendravaram . The training programme was jointly conducted by  the Department of Social Work. Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajamahendravaram and the Department of social Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Governmnt of  India, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu

Celebration of Tanguturi Prakasam Panthulu

             The Department of Social Sciences celebrated the birth anniversary of Andhra Kesari Tanguturi Prakasam Panthulu garu on 24th  August 2019. On this occasion, Dr.Sr.Marietta D’Mello, Principal and Dr.P.Ratna Mary, HOD, Department of Social Sciences garlanded the portrait of  Tanguturi Prakasam Panthulu. Dr.Sr.Marietta D’Mello, Principal delivered a speech on  Tanguturi Prakasam Panthulu garu who participated in freedom movement and encouraged the students to develop national integrity


Participated in International Seminar

Dr.P.Ratna Mary, HOD, the Department of Social Sciences participated and presented a paper on “WOMEN REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE IN WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ( A micro level analysis of Chintalapudi Mandal)” in the International Forum on Transformation of Public Health and Community Responsibility which was held on 8th & 9th August 2019. She also chide the technical session.

Installation programme of Rotaract

            Rotary club of St.Theresa’s college was inaugurated on 22nd july 2019. Mr.A.V.ranga rao, Polio and fund raising chairman invited as a Chief Guest and Mr. K.N.V.Krishnayya, President of Rotary club Eluru participated as a guest of honour.  Dr.Sr.Mariettar D’Mello, Principal wished the students of newly elected Rotaract members. Dr.P.Ratna mary, HOD of social sciences as an organizer and  adviser and Ms.Y.Sailaja, Lecturer in Political science as a  co-ordinator continued their responsibilities in the club of Rotaract.

Academia 2019

            In the part of academia 2019, the department of social sciences conducted essay writing on Gandhiji’s ideology and model making with waste material,  37 students in essay writing and  16 students in model making with waste material  were participated.

Guest Lecture

The Department of Social Sciences conducted a guest lecture on Women Empowerment on 18th July. 
                Ms .E. Likhitha Divyani, who studying III year engineering in technology from    the university of Massachusetts, Lowell, U.S.A  gave a guest lecture on WOMEN EMPOWERMENT .she answered to many quires and cleared the doubts of students on many issues, regarding women empowerment. Dr.Sr.Marietta D’Mello ,principal delivered her message  on women empowerment, and gave her best wishes to the Likhitha Divyani.

Community Extension at Inner Wheel Club of Eluru

              Dr.Sr.Marietta D’Mello, Principal of Ch.S.D.St Theresa’s college for women  invited to the installation programme of Inner Wheel  club of  Eluru as a Guest of Honour on 18th july . On this occasion, Dr.Sr.Marietta D’Mello  gave a talk on Psychological status of women. Then the club members were felicitated  the Principal as a mark  of respect

Arts Club Inaugural

             On 13th july,  the Department of Social Sciences inaugurated the Arts club with all the B.A. students.On this occasion, Dr.P.Ratna Mary, HOD of social Sciences welcomed and wished the 1st years and told about the Arts club and its activities. On this day, office bearers of Arts club was also elected.

Project Work Viva-voce

 On 17th july,  the III year B.A. students appeared  viva-voce for their project work. The students were done their projects according to their respective subjects of History, Economics, Political Science, Psychology and Social Work. Total number of projects were 12. 


Knowledge Extension

The students of III B.A HEP (EM) and EPSW presented a knowledge extension programme on the topic of BODY LANGUAGE  on 11th july 2019 under the guidance of Mrs.R. Chittemma, Department of social Sciences. The theme of extension is to explain the impact of body language in our every day life. The students presented various types of body languages which are both positive and negative, to create an awareness among the audience for changing their negative actions into positive actions.

Knowledge Extension

            The students of III B.A HEP (TM) and THP presented a knowledge extension programme on the topic of GANDHIAN PRINCIPLES on 11th july 2019 under the guidance of Ms.Y.Sailaja, Department of social Sciences. The theme was choosen according to the celedrations of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhiji. Some of the Gandhian principles which were covered in this programme were truth,non-violence, satyagraham. Swaraj, etc.

World Population Day

The Department of social Sciences organized a programme of World Population Day on 11th july 2019. The programme was started with an introduction by Dr.P.Ratna Mary, HOD of Social Sciences. The students of III B.A. made a discussion on various pros and cons of over population

Board of Studies meeting 2019

 Board of Studies in Economics
          Dr.P.Ratna Mary, lecturer in Economics attended  Board of Studies meeting in Economics as a subject expert at A.N.R. College, Gudivada on 9th july 2019

Sri Alluri Sita Rama Raju Birth Day Celebrations

On 4th july, the department of social sciences celebrated the birth anniversary of Sri Alluri Sita Rama raju, one of the foremost freedom fighter in Andhra Pradesh. The programme was organized for the purpose of to inspire the young students about Sri Alluri Sita Rama Raju. Ms.G.M.Vijaya Ratna Kumari, lecturer in History enlightend the students by giving life history of Sri Alluri Sita Rama Raju.

Anti- Ragging 2019

   On 22-06-2019 Anti ragging committee of the college conducted an awareness programme in the auditorium about the evil effects of ragging. Mrs.Swarna latha Junior advocate, High court was the chief guest. The programme started with prayer. Dr.P.Ratna mary HOD of social sciences created awareness on anti ragging and introduced the chief guest to the students. Smt. swarna latha in her speech she explained about the ragging prohibition acts and the punishment accorded. She advised the students to take resolution not to resort to ragging in any form and to maintain the college as a ragging free campus. Rev.Sr. Showrillu Vice principal &P.G Directress  stressed that severe action will be taken to prevent ragging in the campus. At the end of the programme the students also took an oath that they would not commit any form of ragging in or out of the campus.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Yoga day 2019

Miss. G. Vijaya Ratna Kumari  lecture  in History and  yoga instructor  to participated yoga day to gave a instructions to the students on  yoga  practices on    21st June 2019.


Anti -ragging