Friday, 8 March 2019

Boards of studies meeting

. Dr.P.Ratna Mary Head of the Department of Social Sciences attended Board of Studies Meeting in Economics as a subject expert at Loyola  College ,Vijawada  on  27th February 

Student Union Valedictory 2018-19

The Department of Social Sciences organized student union valedictory on 25th febuary 2019. The students of office bearees and class representatives of Under Graduation and Post Graduation laying down their duties for the academic year 2018-19. U Srinivasa Varma (Indian Army), Sebadar Major(Rtd)/ Honarary Lieutenant came as a Chief  Guest and Mr.Sivaiah(ISO) as a Guest of Honour. Many of our students got proficiency,awards and scholarships. During this occasion, Mr.Sivaiah (ISO) handed over a ISO certificate to the Dr.Sr.Mercy, Principal and other management members.

Community Services

 On 25th and 26th the students of II.B.A and  III B.A  are participated in community services to the Agri gold  victims  collaboration  with district legal services authority . 

Field visit on District court

On 23rd February  the students of  II B.A H.E.P. (T.M&E.M) and T.H.P  went to a field visit to  district court ,Eluru. W.G.Dt.   The   Students  are observed   the proceedings of the district court  .  They are explained about  the  some   civil and  criminal  cases to the  students  .

Field visits

 The department of social sciences organized by  field visit to the handi crops on 23rd  February 2019  .The Merchants   are    explain about  how to making  the  goods  .

Enterpreneurship Development Programme

        The Department of Social Sciences motivated the students to conduct Enterpreneurship Development Programme(EDP) On 21st febuary 2019, the students of socialsciences kept various food items and sold it at college level. Through this programme, the students learn how to develop themselves as entrepreneurs in future

Boards of Studies meeting

          The Boards of  studies meeting of History, Economics,Politics, Psychology and Social Work was conducted on 14th febuary 2019. Various university nomines, subject experts and our staff members paticipated and reviewed the curriculam for the next academic year 2018-19

Guest lecture

The Department of Social Sciences organized a guest lecture  by Dr.K.Swaroop Kumar, Prof. in Economics, Maris Stella College, Vijayawada on 14st Febuary 2019. Topic on' Women empowerment in economic development 

31 National Seminar - paper presentation

      Dr. Sr.Marietta D,mello Associate professor in Psychology presented a paper on “Empowerment of Women : Views ,Attitudes ,Jssues  and Trends “ in National  ,Seminar on Empowerment of women : Recent trends and Challenges  at Sir . C R Reddy college Autonomous  college ,Eluru . on 8th February ,2019

Dr.P.Ratna Mary ,Associate Professor in Economies  presented a paper on “ Empowerment of Women through education “in National  ,Seminar on Empowerment of women : Recent trends and Challenges  at Sir . C R Reddy college Autonomous  college ,Eluru . on 8th February ,2019


Anti -ragging