Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Voters day awards

 On  the eve of 9th National voters day 25th January 2019  Mrs. R.Chittemma, Ms  Y.Sailaja   lecturers  in politics V.Hema Latha  ,P.Sravani ,G.Anusha ,D.Suvarna Rani  of  III B.A HEP EM    received  Best Campus ambassador   awards   for voter  awareness and voter enrollment  by District collector in west Godavari .

Monday, 4 February 2019

International seminar presented

Dr.  Sr. Marietta D’mello  Associate professor in Psychology presented a paper  on “Ecology –its issues and implications in present scenario ( In the light of pope Francis” Encyclical  letter “ LAUDATO SI “) in  International seminar on contemporary south Asian literature gender and environment on 24th and 25th January ,2019 .

  Dr.P.Ratna Mary ,Associate professor in economics participated in International seminar on Contemporary South Asian literature gender and environment  on 24th and 25th January ,2019



Anti -ragging